Frequently Asked Questions:
Is band graded?
Yes! You will receive a grade each marking period for band. This grade comes from:
Rehearsals: attendance, participation, preparedness
Lessons: attendance, progress in assigned materials
Concerts: attendance
Quizzes: written and playing
Do I need to practice?
YES! You are expected to practice your instrument regularly. Lesson materials will be assigned to help you improve, but you will only improve if you practice!
How do lessons work?
Lessons are 20 minutes in length and rotate through Mr. Kimmel's available periods so that you don’t miss too much of any one class. You will receive a lesson schedule that can be used for up to 6 weeks. These lesson sheets are to be used as your pass to get out of class. Lesson Cards will also be made for students to place in their school planners.
What happens if I miss a lesson?
If a teacher does not let you go for lessons, don't worry just let me know so you can get credit for you lesson. You must let me know why you missed your lesson otherwise it will go as an unexcused and will affect your grade.
Do I have to come to rehearsals?
Yes! Students are required to attend band rehearsals during AE period (6th grade on days 3 and 4, 8th Grade on days 1 and 2 7th grade on days 3 and 4). You will NOT be excused from band to complete make-up work or do other things at Academic Enrichment. Band is your class on that day, and missing rehearsal without previous permission is the same as skipping class. Even if you forgot your instrument, you should still come to band!
*Exception: If you are signed up for all three ensembles (band, chorus, and orchestra), you will be permitted to miss band to complete make-up work, but ONLY with a signed note from your teacher, and ONLY on Day 3 (for 6th grade) and Day 5 (for 7th/8th grade).
What is expected of me at rehearsals?
You are expected to…
- Arrive on time
- Bring a pencil
- Come prepared (with instrument, music, and any needed accessories)
- Do your best
Please do your best to remember your instrument on band days. Forgetting more than once in a marking period will result in a yellow card. Continual forgetting may result in removal from the group.
Do I have to come to the concerts?
YES! Students are required to attend concerts. This is the biggest test of your skills and our progress as an ensemble. Missing a concert for any reason (besides a medical or family emergency) will result in a severely lowered grade and possible removal from the group.
What do I wear to concerts?
- A Swatara Middle School Music shirt (order forms will be sent home soon),
- Black pants (NOT JEANS), and
- Dark shoes (preferably with dark socks).
What sort of equipment do I need?
Please keep all of your equipment in your assigned cubby. Equipment left in the band room, on the floor of the storage room, etc. will be confiscated!
- Instrument
- Regular maintenance is your responsibility
- School instruments must be well cared for or they will be removed from the student
- Accessories
- This includes reeds, valve oil, cork grease, etc.
- Please have these items BEFORE rehearsal begins
- Lesson book
- Folder with music
While we provide storage areas for instruments, the school does not provide insurance for items left overnight or on weekends. Please label instruments in more than one place (not just an ID tag) and have the serial number written down at home.
How can I get extra credit?
You can get extra credit for band by attending outside instrumental concerts and submitting a brief written review of the concert to Mr. Kimmel. These concerts include professional groups, like the Harrisburg Symphony, and other school groups, like any high school band concert. See Mr. Kimmel for more info.
Can I drop out of band?
To drop band, please submit a note to Mr. Kimmel signed by a parent stating the reason you are dropping out.